The Beautiful Life of Us

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Peer or Peer

Heheheheh baru launching blog sudah dapet Peer dari calon kk ipar. Ya sudah di jawab aja.... itung-itung nyenengin hati orang yang ngasi.

The Q's are answered by Hussein

1. Records that change your life.
So far, there is no record can change my life

2. Records you've listened more than once.
Kalo dulu gwe paling seneng dengerin laguna Lilis Suryani yang judulnya Oentuk Paduka Jang Mulia.... lagu ntuh muja Pak Karno banget. Kalo sekarang lagi hobi dengerin lagunya Letto yang Ruang Rindu

3. Records that you just don't understand.
Pokoe yang musik nya kalo di dengerin gubrak gubrak

4. Records that made you laugh.
Kungpow Chicken

5. Records that made you cry.

6. Records that creeps the hell out of you.
Underground!! Apa sih maunya, nyanyi sambil bikin orang budeg, kibas2 rambut.. Liatnya, dengernya juga jadi ikutan pusing..<<--- nih jawabannya si ariestya.. dan gwe setuju banget

7. Records you wish had never been made.
All of the records are art therefore they have to be made

8. Records that you've just listened.
Rio Febrian - Jenuh

9. Records you've been meaning to buy (or steal).
Jaman gene masih beli...... donlot duonkkkkkkk. Lagunya Gita Gutawa sama Lagunya Melly yg baru

Nahhhh all of the questions have benn answered by myself.... any comments????

Sekarang gilirannya Dita to asnwer the question
posted by ditha hussein at 3:58 AM


bagooooess..... sip. peer dikerjakan tepat waktu dan benar semua.. nilainya, 90 ya.. soalnya ada jawaban yang nyontek punya bu guru.. hehehe..

btw, gimana persiapanmu,, jadi di hotel ato di gedung??

March 14, 2007 at 2:26 AM  

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